30 October 2022

Sunday, 30 October 2022

 A crisp Sunday morning. Clear skies, sunny and a bit chilly (47°F), but it feels good. 

The Mugwugs played a private Halloween party last night south of St. Cloud, near a tiny town called Rockville. We had a good time, sounded decent. I think the crowd enjoyed themselves. I got home a little after 11:00 PM and made some fun money in the process.

My lost book finally arrived via Amazon, days after it was supposed to be here. I had claimed a lost package (actually, Amazon suggested it was lost) and they sent a replacement. Now have have duplicate books, so I will have to return one. Or maybe I will just keep it? The jury's out.

Our shower debacle continues.  We STILL do not have an upstairs shower. The plumbers were here to finish the job this week, only to discover another panel to the surround is cracked at the bottom. The company was again kind enough to send another replacement which we are now waiting for (although at this point I am questioning the quality of the product). I cannot believe our bad luck with this project. 

...actually, that's not true. If it is going to go wrong, it will happen to me. 

So we are going on week six without an upstairs shower. It has really, really tested my patience. Our plumber does feel bad about it, though. He did say to let him know as soon as the panel comes in and they will make the time to come out and finish.

Today is reserved to be a lazy day for me. This past week has absolutely sucked at work -- the worst it has ever been. It is to the point where I am contemplating looking for another job, but that's a lot to digest. I am too old to start over again doing something else. I've done the college thing and soon my kids will be going to college. It is their turn now, I've had my shot; if I screwed up, that's on me, not on them. 

I have nearly 25 years invested with the organization, I have climbed the seniority ladder, and I have well over 500 hours of sick time which I've earned, but will lose if I leave. Can I tough it out for another 10 to 12 years before I can seriously think about retiring? I'm not sure. Maybe if I stopped caring about the quality of my work, if I just did the bare minimum and went home for the day, it would make it easier. Maybe that's the answer.

It is a pity because I know I am very good at what I do, but the company I work for does not give two shits about its employees. Simply put, it is miserable working for shitty people. And yeah, I know this is on the web and can be read by anyone. I won't mince words about how I feel. Fucking fire me.

I have a lot of thinking to do about this.

That said, I am going to plant my ass in front of my 72 inch t.v. and watch NFL Redzone all day. A Bloody Mary is undoubtedly on the radar as well. Maybe two.

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