21 March 2022

Spring? Really?

 There are rumors circulating that spring has sprung. I missed it. I was on call this weekend and missed the alleged beautiful weather we had.

To pour salt on the wound, my dear friends kept sending me Snaps of their excursions to assorted breweries over the weekend. I should receive some sort of worker's compensation for that. Seriously.

I spent part of the week completely alone, which was very weird for me. No wife, no kids, not even a dog. The whole damn family went to Mandan, ND, for spring break (no beaches, but lots of wind). They fared better this time than last time they went (three years ago?). Last time they all came home sick. So far, they have been spared the wrath of any nasty North Dakota bugs.

Neil waiting for the jab.

Our kids are now fully vaccinated. Please refrain from your political comments/personal freedom/'Murica bullshit here. This isn't about politics or misguided "patriotism." This is about two kids who have nurses for parents and one of them (me) is exposed to COVID all the time. Plus, we like to go to live theater/musicals and many places won't allow you through the door without proof of vaccination. And you know what? It's the right thing to do. 

My daughter finally got to celebrate her 16th birthday with a group of her friends (a month late, but when Mom and Dad both work, compromises must be made). We had a sleepover here and the house remained remarkably intact. Her birthday party was cowboy themed (she's got a thing for cowboys), complete with cowboy hats, sheriff's badges, tin pans for grub and enough bandanas to make an '80s band blush.

The cowboy themed spread...

Pepsi, milk and Pop Tarts: the breakfast of champions.

My band has added a couple more shows to this summer's itinerary. Our June gigs are filled up. We now have three summer festivals in July; we could play every weekend this summer if we wanted to. It is nice to be in demand!

So, between a much-needed vacation in August (to Cody, Wyoming. Why? Because my daughter wants to see the "Wild West." I told you she's got a thing for cowboys), working a weekend (or two) of call, and taking a couple camping trips, the summer is almost completely filled up already. 

A few days ago, I started reading Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis. He also wrote the controversial The Last Temptation of Christ, which is one of the best novels I've ever read -- certainly in my top ten (I didn't find it blasphemous in the least, but that's strictly my opinion). Zorba the Greek is translated from Greek (as was The Last Temptation of Christ), so it is a little muddled in spots, which I bear in mind as I'm reading. But I'm enjoying it. I love any good fiction.

Well, not much more to say right now. I think I should get outside and enjoy the remainder of this beautiful spring day. It is supposed to turn rainy/wintry tomorrow. 

Photo by Ava

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