12 February 2022

Ear Buds Don’t Taste Good

 Ava took these beautiful photos of our dog, Lulu, last evening. Ava has a photographer’s eye; she was proud of these pictures because it is all natural evening sunlight, no filters.

Praising her for being such a good dog and posing so nice, Ava offered her a treat. 

Plot twist: Ava had her Bluetooth (wireless) ear buds in, and when she leaned down to give Lulu a Milkbone, her ear bud fell out onto the floor … see where this is going? 

I suddenly heard a commotion and frantic cries of  “No, Lulu! No! No!” I jumped out of my chair and rushed to the kitchen to find Ava desperately reaching into the dog’s mouth. 

Lulu, thinking in the ear bud was a tasty treat, swallowed the goddamned thing in an instant. 

Normally, I’m pretty chill about this kind of stuff. Dogs are quite resilient. However, this was a rechargeable ear bud with a lithium battery inside. Ava couldn’t be certain that the dog hadn’t bitten into it before gobbling it down, it just happened so quickly; if Lulu had bitten it, the battery acid could leak out and eat into her stomach or intestines. In short, it could be fatal. 

So, after a discussion with Dr. Kemp, the on-call veterinarian, we spent our Friday evening at the Crosslake animal hospital. Lulu got a magical IV injection. She puked just like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Ear bud recovered, just like new. 

There’s never a dull moment. 

There it is. It probably didn’t taste very good going down or coming up. 

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